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MongoDB London 2013

I'm just back from a superb (or in "American" : super exciting) MongoDB London conference. I've been told there were over 500 attendees and as you can see below, the venue was sweet :)

I have uploaded my slides to SpeakerDeck, I'm no longer using Slideshare as a repository for my presentations (I just don't think it's as good visually or in terms of a usage experience).
Thankfully the two presentations went well and I received great feedback (hey @rozza, no yellow discs buddy - yellow discs indicated a sub-par presentation, blue = good and green = excellent :) ). More importantly, there was no "Black Screen of Death" on the MBP unlike at IrissCon!

Please have a look at the slides and if there are any questions or mistakes, please let me know.

Thanks to the whole 10gen team (especially the community folk) for organising such an awesome event and more importantly, thanks to all those who took the time to attend (especially those who flew in)!!!

Personally, I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I used some of the Lego Star Wars pictures from the Mike Stimpson website here. I have previously used these slides as part of a presentation on another open-source product, Security Onion and emailed to inform them of their use. As a token of gratitude, I purchased a book of Mike's images and I'm sure when I receive it, I'll want to purchase more (much to my wife's chagrin). If you're a Star Wars or Lego fan, I'd strongly encourage you to check out Mike Stimpson's work, it's awesome!!!!!


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